Friday, November 20, 2009

The Agony of Delete

Ever do this? I wrote a blog and then accidentally deleted the whole thing before I had a chance to post it.

It was a thoughtful, introspective blog . . . a reflective, philosophical look back at the decade that is now drawing to a close ("the Oughts"?) and a contemplative, optimistic, hopeful, excited look ahead at the many challenges, opportunities and (mostly) pleasures to come.

It was called "Getting Ready for Trish," and it focused topically on the many preparatory efforts I am undertaking to make my home suitable, comfortable, attractive and hospitable for my new wife -- who currently (but very temporarily) resides 1,000 miles north-northwest of where I am living right now -- while also dipping into themes of evolutionary change, personal growth, transition and transformation, life's milestones, unexpected changes, the significant crossroads we encounter on our journey through this world, the closing of one chapter and the opening of another and so forth.

But then I inadvertently deleted it.


I can't seem to muster the gumption to attempt to recreate it, so instead I will do what we all must learn to do when minor disasters such as these strike: allow ourselves to indulge in a moment of self-pity, pout and fume for a few seconds, mutter a colorful obscenity or two, take a deep breath and then get on with whatever's next. It'll be fine.

Especially since tomorrow morning at about 6:00 A.M. I'm going to be boarding a plane bound for Detroit, where I will find another plane bound for Indianapolis. By half past noon, I hope to be in the passenger seat of Trish's car, headed back to her apartment, where we will then spend the week packing, boxing things up, repainting etc. The next time I set foot in my house our house in Florida one week and two days from today, it will be with her by my side and a rental truck in the driveway. : )

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